Shri Guru Ravidas Welfare Society






My second innings -2 – Vidya Niketan

 I wrote about my second innings on April 1. We took the second step on April 13, by performing the Shubh Mahurat ceremony of Vidya Niketan. The auspicious occasion of Baisakhi was fixed for the purpose consciously with a view to invoke all the best wishes to all our friends and well wishers. The guruvani dictum “Deh Shiva var mohe, shubh karman te kabhun na tarun“ of the great Guru Gobind Singh will be the guiding force behind our thinking and action in running the School.

The registration for various courses at the Jalandhar School of Careers and Opportunities (An Institute of Pritam-Sodhi Vidya Trust) will start on April 15. The classes and coaching is scheduled to begin on May 1. We are starting in right earnest. But we are to catch up in the race as the competition is tough. We know that it is not an easy job. We shall do our best. Our target, as written before, is the weaker sections of the society. We would tend to provide not only excellent educational facilities and much needed guidance but also the necessary confidence to the students to stand up and say “We can do it. We will do it” Our motto underlines the Buddhist philosophy “Be Your Own Light”

The formal ceremonial launching of Jalandhar School of Careers is likely to take place later in May/June 2013. The School Website: www.jalandharschoolofcareers.com  may be visited for some more details

 By. Mr. Ramesh Chander, Retired Indian Diplomat